Saturday, November 17, 2012

Journey - Angela Chang Lyrics

Hellooooo ...
I always wondering why I'm such a lazy blogger xD *slap my face
Okay, so this time I'm going to post lyrics of a song, which has trully, madly, deeply meaning *lebay and I love it !!
Yeah, I know this is an old song which is known around 2003 or 2004 ( can't remember exact years) but who don't love "At The Dolphin Bay"?????
People who lived in my era, muahahaha, must be familiar with this drama . And how could we forget about Angela Chang and her song called "Journey"??
Okay, so maybe a lot of you already knew this song, but no problem laa I just want to share it, just in case you don't know the lyric yet . Enjoy !!

Journey - Angela Chang

It's a long, long, journey

Till I know where I'm supposed to be

It's a long, long, journey

And I don't know if I can believe

When shadows fall and block my eyes

I'm lost and know that I must hide

It's a long, long, journey

Till I find my way home to you

Many days, I've spent

Drifting on through empty shores

Wondering, what's my purpose

Wondering how to make me strong

I know I will falter I know I will cry

I know you'll be standing by my side

It's a long, long, journey

And I need to be close to you

Sometimes it feels no one understand

I don't even know why

I do the things I do

When pride builds me up till I can't see my soul

Will you, break down these walls and pull me through

Cause it's a long, long journey

Till feel that I am worth the price

You paid for me on calvary

Beneath those stormy skies

When Satan mocks and friends turn to foes

It feels like everything is out to make me lose control

Cause it's a long, long, journey

Till I find my way home, to you .. Oooohh ... to you ...

~ ~ ~

Such a nice song, isn't it??
I'm falling in love with this song since I heard it for the first time till now :'D
Hope you like it, too ^^
See you soon !!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Cute Free Blog Widgets

I'm coming back !!!

Okay, so even though I reaalllllyyyy want to be an Indonesian Beauty Blogger, I realized that I don't have enough time to review all my beauty products lol

So yeah, I think thats a baka thing to do something that you are not for, so now I'm gonna write anything that happen in my life, whether you like it or not. Muahahaha . No no no, JUST KIDDING

Of course I will keep write every review from my beauty products, but recently when I was googling, I found this kawaii site that provides you FREE CUTE BLOG WIDGETS, WALLPAPER, and soon. It called as CUTEKI .
I think so many people want to turn their blog into something different, and for you girls, who loves kawaii things, you gonna die when you see this site xD
And, I'm not paid for this, but for you who want to find cute things to customized your blog this site is the right place for you :)

You can visit their site here

And just for example, you can see my calendar and my pin widget on the left side, psst I just downloaded it from CUTEKI

So cute right ?? >///<
 Kindly visit their site, customized your blog, and turn it into kawaii blog

Monday, September 17, 2012

L'oreal White Perfect Series Review

So, recently I'm using White Perfect Series from L'oreal as my routine skincare.
As it claims, it contains TOURMALINE GEMSTONE and MELANIN VANISH, which is believed can make your face more shiny, and you can get more radiant skin xD who don't want??

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Maybelline Beauty Haul

Helloooooo ╰( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Back again.  lol
Karena pengen banget bisa dapet logo IBB(Indonesia Beauty Blogger) jadi mulai sekarang aku bakal lebih sering ngepost lagi.  hehe
Actually, I'm very very busy right now.
Deadline,holiday preparation, omg, I'm so tired --' .
But,this is my little haul when I get chance to windows shopping last Saturday.
Just bought some beauty items from my fave affordable brand,Maybelline.
So,here they are, 1pcs MNY eye and lips  makeup remover, 1pcs MNY Baby Lips( love it so much), and 1pcs MNY Turbo Boost Mascara.

Well,I'll review it later,keep reading, dear!! :D

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My Own Header

Heiiii xD
Pengen lebih sering ngeblog sekarang . Kasian, jarang dibuka-buka :D

Jadi, kenapa judulnya My Own Header ? Soalnya, ini pertama kalinya aku bikin header sendiri walaupun masih acak-acakan xP

Dan tadinya, blogku itu namanya daydreamer, tapi karena kebegoanku, bikin header yang cuma dikira-kira aja ukurannya, jadinya terpaksa di-cut sebagian jadi daydream aja -___-" *slap my face

But, overall, i love it !! :)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Review Loose Powder Caring Colours Shell Petal

Karena banyak banget beauty blogger Indonesia yang ngomongin soal loose powder caring yang katanya perfect ini , jadi ikutan teracuni buat nyobain sendiri .
Dan akhirnya,meluncurlah ke hypermart java mall semarang buat beli bedak ini .
Waktu liat harganya,lumayan terjangkau sih,sekitar 49ribuan ,tapi sayangnya waktu itu cuman ada 1 shade aja si shell petal ini .
Padahal,kulitku cenderung ke yellowish,bukan pinkish,secara si shell petal ini lebih cocok buat orang yang undertone nya pink .
Tapi karena udah penasaran banget,jadi okelah gapapa,buat coba-coba .
And guess what,waktu bayar di kasir kaget,soalnya cuma bayar 37ribuan aja .Ternyata,dapet diskon 25% xD
Kemasannya lucu,pinky gitu . Cute :)

Shade Nomer 2, Shell Petal


Puffnya lembut banggeettt xD . suka

Warnanya emang cenderung agak pink gitu . Tapi,untungnya masuk ke kulitku juga .
Jadi,overall love it.
repurchase? yes.  i want to try another shade.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Inspiring Blog

Lagi seneng banget baca beberapa blog yang ngasih berbagai hair style tutorial, dan lagi tergila-gila sama yang namanya braided hair alias kepangan rambut .
Tadinya sih gara-gara baca beberapa referensi blog dari mylovelysister , dan yang pasti blog mereka itu inspiring banget :) love it .
Dan ternyata, ada banyak banget blog yang bisa ngasih kita inspirasi buat tampil wow tanpa perlu budget besar lho ! misalnya, mulai dari hair style kita .
Cek yuk, beberapa blog yang lagi inspiring banget buat aku ^^

Blog yang satu ini banyak memuat soal barang-barang prakarya alias DIY . But I can't believe that she's 30 !! Oh Gosh, she is so adorable >.< . banyak banget tutorial soal hair styling, how to make over your dress, etc . Just check it !!

Hampir sama dengan skunkboy , blog yang satu ini juga banyak membahas soal lifestyle . Mulai dari resep - resep yummy, DIY properties, sampai tips- tips menarik buat para blogger :) coba deh, liat barang - barang lucu ini >.<

very cute ^^

Blog yang satu ini yang paling aku suka >.< soalnya, biasanya banyak blogger dari Indonesia yang membuat blog mereka dalam bahasa Inggris . Padahal, nggak semua blog reader itu bahasa Inggrisnya sebagus mereka (termasuk aku :P) . Nah, My Lovely Sister ini pakai bahasa Indonesia, jadi lebih mudah dipahami sama blog reader dari Indonesia juga ^^ .
Banyak banget review soal skincare, make up, life style, dll karena basicly, mereka sendiri juga termasuk di Indonesia Beauty Blogger jadi nggak jauh-jauh dari dunia kecantikan :D

Here they are : Ai Ni (kanan) and Eve (kiri)
Dan ini salah satu contoh make up tutorial mereka ^^
Nggak bakal bosen baca tulisan mereka :D
oh iya, just fyi , mereka juga punya online shop lho, hihi coba cek di recommended seller lah, aku juga sering belanja dan dapet banyak bonus produk ^^

Oke, itu tadi beberapa list blog favoritku . How about you ^^??

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

sweet brownies ^^

Karena gue suka masak ... jadi postingan gue bakal lebih banyak ke resep - resep simpel yang bisa dibikin di rumah yaa ^^
hope you'll like it

by me

Bahan I :
225 gram mentega
225 gram gula pasir(kalo bisa pake gula castor biar lebih halus)
150 gram coklat blok
1 sachet vanili

Bahan II :
3 butir telur
190 gram tepung terigu(pakai merk segitiga biru atau kunci)
50 gram coklat bubuk
25 gram susu bubuk full cream
1/2 sdt baking powder

Cara Membuat :
  1. Lelehkan semua bahan I dengan cara ditim . Sebaiknya pake mangkok yang tahan panas . Caranya, masukkan semua bahan I ke dalam mangkok, lalu masukkan ke dalam panci yang berisi air mendidih . Masak sampai meleleh sambil terus diaduk . Tips : pastikan tidak ada uap air yang menetes ke dalam mangkuk, karena akan membuat coklat cepat membeku lagi . Dinginkan .
  2. Setelah bahan yang dilelehkan tadi dingin, masukkan 3 butir telur satu per satu sambil diaduk .
  3. Lalu, masukkan semua sisa bahan, yaitu terigu, coklat bubuk, susu bubuk, dan baking powder . Tips : sebaiknya teriggu yang akan digunakan diayak terlebih dahulu supaya hasilnya lebih halus .
  4. Terakhir, panggang dalam oven dengan suhu ± 180˚C selama 15 menit . Siap dihidangkan .
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